Hello! This is Heidi and I am so glad to have a moment to share with you a little about myself.

For a little over ten years, my husband and I served as youth pastors in WA and MT. Currently, we live in Puyallup,WA and are part of the pastoral team at an incredible church plant, newhope church, while also both being small business owners. I get to be a part of the teaching team and serve as the pastor of development at newhope.

Those are the facts. But here is some of my heart that breathes life into all these details.

When I was a kid, I had half a dozen things I wanted to be when I grew up: a famous singer, a dancer, an actress, and an undercover CIA agent with a tube of lipstick that could turn into a gun. As you might be able to pick up, I had a small flair for the dramatic.  Now a few decades later, I have learned you don't grow up to just "be" only one thing. Our God has designed our lives' purpose to be much more than anything we could put on a business card or even list in a short bio. But if I could boil down to one thing what I want my life to be about, it is that after being around me, people would want to know and love Jesus more.

Speaking and writing are two deeply felt passions of mine, but I want every part of my life to point towards the goodness and love of God. I am convinced that when we begin to understand the unfailing love and always present goodness of God in our lives (especially when circumstances seem to say the opposite), we can’t help but begin to love Him back.

And when that begins to happen, everything changes.

I love my family - my husband and our two girls.  There is a lot of laughter in our house (and dramatic tears, of course!), tickle fights, impromptu concerts and movies nights snuggled up on the couch. I love late nights with friends, laughing and playing games. I get super excited when I see garage sale signs because that means I might find some old furniture with great character I can give some new life to. I love decorating and making our home cozy and welcoming. I feel like Joanna Gaines and I would be best friends if we met. (kind of joking, kind of not!) Traveling is my favorite hobby. I don't like cooking dinner but I love to bake dessert. I have found the hard way you can't always choose the circumstances of your life but you can choose who you put your trust in to get you through those circumstances - and the prayer of my heart is the caption of my days will always be "She chose Jesus."


Thanks for stopping by!


Email: heidi@everydaycathedral.com

Connect with me on Instagram! @heidilynnkeeler